
Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Wishcrafting Wednesday - Fierce

Jamie Ridler asks today:

Where do you wish to be fierce?

Wow, what a question!  It made me laugh a little, because as women we aren't encouraged much to be fierce.  So my initial, initial reaction was to giggle slightly in a 'gosh, are we allowed to? kind of way'.  Oh yes, we are allowed to.  We have permission to be fierce when we choose to, or need to.

I wish to be fierce to protect that which is precious to me.  I do not expect you to understand why it is important to me.  You just need to back to hell off, so I can get on with it.  Not YOU, obviously.  You totally get it, I know that.  Y'a know.  THEM you.

I will be fierce about MY time, and my family.  I will start off hissing like a cat, just to warn.  But be warned.  I can and will pounce if called to!

Yay for fierce.  Feisty is fun!

As you wonderful souls wish for yourself, I wish for you too.  Where do you wish to be fierce?


  1. Sounds like a great wish. Fiesty, love that word. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

  2. Oh yes we are absolutely allowed to be fierce on our own behalf as well! As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you as well!

  3. Great wish! As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

  4. Beautiful! As you wish for yourself, so I also wish for you.

  5. *giggle* I love your FIERCE answer. :-D As you wish for yourself so I wish for you also.

  6. Love it! Kitties are pretty, but they will scratch your eyes out if you mess with them! wooo! As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also. xo Beth

  7. neat analogy thanks for sharing and as you wish I too wish with you.

  8. Permission to be fierce! As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.

  9. oh yes, hiss!!!! As you wish for yourself, I lovingly wish for you as well.

  10. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also! : )

  11. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you too.

  12. Awesome perspective. And yes, we get it. :D
    As Jacs wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
