Jamie Ridler asks today:
Where do you wish to be fierce?
Wow, what a question! It made me laugh a little, because as women we aren't encouraged much to be fierce. So my initial, initial reaction was to giggle slightly in a 'gosh, are we allowed to? kind of way'. Oh yes, we are allowed to. We have permission to be fierce when we choose to, or need to.
I wish to be fierce to protect that which is precious to me. I do not expect you to understand why it is important to me. You just need to back to hell off, so I can get on with it. Not YOU, obviously. You totally get it, I know that. Y'a know. THEM you.
I will be fierce about MY time, and my family. I will start off hissing like a cat, just to warn. But be warned. I can and will pounce if called to!
Yay for fierce. Feisty is fun!
As you wonderful souls wish for yourself, I wish for you too. Where do you wish to be fierce?