
Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Wishcrafting: What do you wish to nourish?

Today at Jamie Ridlers' studio for wishcrafting wednesday, Jamie asks:

What do you wish to Nourish?  (She has a beautiful dreamboard for nourish.  Love it.)

My initial response is Me Me Me!  Because its all about me, right?  I am feeling a bit under the weather with a cough right now, so could use some proper nourishment.

I also want to nourish my children, fill them with wonderfulness for the summer holidays.  But I realise right at this moment, writing this, that I need to feed me before I can feed them.

So I need to take some space for myself, to fill the well, so I can be the nurturing mother I would like to be.

What do you wish for?  As you wish for yourself, I wish for you too. x

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Less is More? 30 days of experiment

I have decided, in my quest for change & simplification to approach my 'wardrobe' as if I were travelling or on holiday.  (When I say wardrobe, I don't actually have any hanging space, just drawers).  The rest of the clothes are going up into to the loft.  For 30 days.  My rules are to see how I manage on this skeleton wardrobe & if I need something specific I will have to climb up to get it.  But it has to be needed.  Then in September & the turn of the seasons, I will get it all down again and re-evaluate all the stuff I have.  By doing it this way, I was hoping to be able to be more ruthless in letting stuff go out from my life.

I realised that in true Pareo's law of 80/20, I was really only wearing the same stuff over & over anyways, & barely went to the bottom of the drawer.  And obviously, I still looked like a fabulous goddess...No?

Summer capsule
 So last night, I pulled everything out & sorted.  Interestingly, I still managed to throw a bag of stuff away to the charity shop & a bag for the loft.

Oh its so heavenly to open the drawer and not have it spill out in an overwhelming fashion!  Here's hoping I can transfer this approach to my whole house.  I am fed up of my possessions owning me!

Monday, 18 July 2011

Expanding my wings

Some days I feel like I am expanding my wings and stretching into the world.  And some days I need a little nourishing like we gave to this butterfly.

I feel a yearning to move myself into my life more fully.  To deeply experience all that life has to offer me.  I am reading, exploring and moving in the right direction.  Mostly.  Then I ruin all my progress and shout at my children, have late nights and eat doritos in front of popcorn movies.  Sigh.  Tomorrow is another day.

Remembering the progress I am making.  Moving towards my expanded joyful life.  It pays to remember the small steps I have made.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Felting frenzy...

I have been felting up a storm, making the wooly felt dreds that I had put in my hair at the 3 Wishes Faerie Festival.  I met a woman there, not the lady who put them in my hair, who also does wool dreds at festivals.  And could I make her 50 in a couple of days?

It was great fun to play with the colours & actually have a focus.

I just hope she & her ladies like them!

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Wishcrafting: Progress?

Once again with her astounding Goddess powers Jamie Ridler nails it.  This week at Jamie Ridler studios she asks: What do you wish to make progress on.

This has been something that I have been dwelling on just the last few days.  Both in regard to the Allotment and the House renovations.  I have decided that what I need to do is find the original photos and get them laminated, put them somewhere prominent & remind myself of the amazing progress we have made so far!  It is so easy in the day to day to forget where you started.  I get despondent.  Then I remember the sorry state both 'lombint and house were in five years ago.  And realise that we have made fabulous progress!

Yep, the compacted, sodden clay paddock that our Plot started out as.

Doin' the Dance of Seira Madre for the New Shed
Its important to celebrate the progress as its made!

Its hard to believe that this was a voluntary undertaking and not a publicity shot for an appeal for victims of some hideous disaster.  Check out my yellow kitchen.  Aka a bucket & tap.

And now...

Livin the Dream baby.  Well, almost, but check out those wooden floors.  Mmmmm
 So. In fact, I have made progress.  Well, We have made progress.  It would be somewhat misrepresentative of me to imply it was all my own work!  This house is what I wish to make some more progress in the next few weeks, to move the kids beds around, my creative space is moving downstairs to make way for big girl beds, and getting a proper place for everything.
I am so glad that I looked out these pictures for this post.  Thankyou Jamie it was just what I needed.  You rock!

Speaking of progress, I am loving this progression animation of an A'levels students final exam piece.  I'd love to have a go at doing something like this.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

New Moon Gluesticks and Chai

Last night we had a wonderful new moon.  I had two goddesses with me to share the turn of the moon and celebrate with creating a vision board for the next cycle.  So glue sticks in hand, we shared chats, pictures, an astounding sunset, and some yummy chai.  In some mismatched vintage lovelies of course.  And although I didn't know these two women so very well, it now feels like we have bonded even more together.  And as well as cementing a vision, a circle also feels like its foundation has been laid.