
Saturday, 7 May 2011

Jumble Joys

Today, whilst Beloved Husband was running errands for his folks, I took the kids to a Jumble Sale.  Now, I am know as Jumble Jacs in some circles so this shouldn't really be that noteworthy.  However, since the beginning of the year, I have been on a real decluttering mission.  Especially for the first couple of months when it bordered on an obsession to try to keep a clear space.  I have to admit to failing somewhat since my house is still full of bits, even though several car loads went to charity shops and jumbles.

So I have ben rather reluctant to accrue any more stuff that serves as clutter rather than joys.  Today though I relented.  I had a dolls house that needed a new home so at least I took some stuff before bringing home any more goodies!  I sucessfully avoided too much pointless stuff myself (not sure the Queens silver jubilee mug counts as pointless or not...).  The kids were another story though, but boyo did they have fun!  I love that I can give them a quid or so and off they go & enjoy themselves for an hour.
The most expensive part of the family fun is the purchasing of a cuppa & a cake (costing a shocking £2) to discuss our favorite purchases.  Lace tablecloths & cups with saucers.  You just can't beat that.
Cake this good can't be wrong!


  1. Lovely post and i agree lace and tea cups a lovely combination and of course Cake to ;-)) Bless him. dee x

  2. Cake that good is meant to be stuffed in with gay abandon! x
